Better Health is Just a Walk Away!
Our annual Walktober event is the perfect time of year to create healthy walking habits. The weather is cooler and it’s a great time to start something new. It’s a researched fact that if you do something for 21 days straight, you’ll be able to turn that act into a habit. So, if you walk with us for 31 days—that habit will be solid, and your fitness will be greatly improved!
And here’s something you might not know—studies show that walking 15 minutes, three times a day, can have as much positive impact on your health as working out for 45 minutes at one time. This bite-size approach makes walking one of the easiest ways to add movement to your daily routine. So let’s get walking!
We will be by your side during the month of October, as our fitness expert Rocio Ramos leads you through this adventure and keeps you accountable. We’ll have guests, activities, and inspiration all month long! Download your bib to track your progress and make sure you FOLLOW US on Facebook and Instagram for daily videos and challenges. Share your own videos and pictures and tag us #ygywalktober for special prizes and shout outs!